Doctor Games
My Little Pony Doctor
Ayolah! Kuda poni imut itu tidak sengaja terluka! Anda adalah dokter keluarganya, tolong bantu dia membersihkan lukanya dan oleskan krim ajaib ke daerah yang terkena, lalu ikat lukanya. Tunggu sebentar, sebelum membersihkan krim.
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Operate Now! Shoulder Surgery
Lakukan operasi rotator cuff darurat pada atlet yang terluka! Nuh melukai lengannya bermain tenis. Sebagai dokter, Anda harus melakukan pemeriksaan USG sebelum memasuki ruang operasi. Minta perawat Anda untuk jarum suntik, sekrup tulang, dan alat-alat lain dalam Operate Now: Bedah Bahu!
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Anna Injured Doctor
Anna Injured Doctor adalah game beku online yang dapat Anda mainkan di secara gratis. Anna suka bermain ski tetapi dia berada di level pemula. Sayangnya, Dia menyakiti dirinya sendiri saat bermain ski. Temukan cara untuk menyembuhkannya dengan instrumen yang digunakan dokter dan kemudian berpakaianlah. Nikmati!
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Zootopia Nick Doctor
Zootopia Nick Doctor adalah salah satu Permainan Bedah yang dapat Anda mainkan di secara gratis. Nick Zootopia tidak sengaja terluka ketika ia menangkap penjahat itu. Bisakah Anda memberinya perawatan? Tolong bantu dia membersihkan luka dan oleskan krim ajaib ke daerah yang terkena, kemudian ikat luka. Tunggu sebentar, sebelum membersihkan krim. Saya pikir dia akan segera pulih. Terima kasih!
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Sadness Flu Doctor
Sadness Flu Doctor adalah salah satu Permainan Dokter yang dapat Anda mainkan di secara gratis. Cuaca terkadang sangat berubah. Sayangnya untuk Sadness, gadis kecil yang malang, dia terserang flu. Misi Anda adalah membawanya ke dokter Miss Disgust, memulihkannya dari flu. Nikmati!
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My Pet Clinic
Klinik Hewan Peliharaan Saya adalah salah satu Permainan Dokter yang dapat Anda mainkan di secara gratis. Klinik hewan peliharaan kami sangat sibuk hari ini. Kami punya kucing, anjing, kura-kura, kelinci dan burung beo yang membutuhkan perhatian medis Anda. Sebagai dokter hewan peliharaan, rawat setiap hewan peliharaan dengan obat dan alat yang tepat.
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Girl Baby Dentist
Hei, bayi perempuan kecil! Apakah Anda ingin memainkan permainan dokter gigi dan membantu menyembuhkan beberapa pasien yang memiliki penyakit gigi? Selamat mencoba! Mereka akan sangat berterima kasih atas asisten Anda!
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Mia Dentist Pepper
Mia Dentist Pepper adalah salah satu Permainan Dokter Gigi yang dapat Anda mainkan di secara gratis. Bocah itu makan terlalu banyak merica menyebabkan beberapa masalah gigi dan lidah. Ini menyenangkan dan menyenangkan, jadi paling cocok untuk bermain di waktu bermain Anda atau berbagi dengan teman-teman Anda. Jika Anda ingin menjadi dokter gigi selama sehari, datanglah ke Mia Dentist Pepper! Tolong dia!
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Anna Skating Accident
Anna Skating Accident adalah salah satu Game Dokter yang dapat Anda mainkan di secara gratis. Putri beku Anna menderita kecelakaan skateboard hari ini dan sekarang dia merasa tidak enak. Bisakah Anda membantunya merasa lebih baik? Ikuti instruksi dalam permainan dan gunakan semua instrumen medis untuk mengobatinya secepat mungkin.
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Mia Dentist Ice Cream
Ya Tuhan! Bocah itu makan es krim terlalu banyak! Dan sekarang dia sakit gigi, tolong bantu dia lebih baik! Terima kasih!
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Little Miss Inventor Biology
Little Miss Inventor Biology adalah salah satu Permainan Dokter yang dapat Anda mainkan di secara gratis. Little Miss menjalankan klinik. Bekerja dengannya untuk membantu penduduk kota. Lakukan beberapa pemeriksaan yang diperlukan untuk membantu pasien menyelesaikan operasi. Seperti asisten yang baik, Anda akan membantu dokter untuk merawat pasien dengan sempurna. Semoga berhasil!
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Brain Doctor
Brain Doctor, permainan konsep yang sangat inovatif untuk anak-anak. Menjadi ahli bedah dan memberikan perawatan operasi otak yang berbeda untuk pasien yang berbeda dengan menggunakan banyak peralatan medis. Banyak alat untuk bermain seperti: Pengecekan Detak Jantung, Stetoskop, Termometer, Tekanan Darah, Injeksi, Berpita, X-Ray, Penghilang Kuman, Plester.
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Doctor Games Game Terkait
Bomb It 1
Bomb It 1 is one of the Bomberman Games that you can play on for free. Bomb It lets you battle out intense competitions by yourself or together with a friend. Place your bombs strategically to blow up the enemies and destroy objects. You can pick up power-ups that will give you various advantages, such as increase your maximum life and freezing the enemies. Have fun!
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The Operator 2
The Operator 2 is one of the Math Games that you can play on for free. Are you good at doing a sum in your head? Come and practice your mental arithmetic to choose suitable operators. Tap the right operational symbol button! Have a try! Use Mouse to play.
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The Operator
The Operator is one of the math games that you can play on for free. Can you get the answer by mental arithmetic as quickly as possible? Now, Come on and practice your ability of mental arithmetic. Tap the right number button! The countdown has begun, are you ready? Use Mouse to play.
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The Operators 3
The Operators 3 is one of the math games that you can play on for free. Which is the true number? The Game is applied to the law of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, by setting the number of computing meet the specified requirements and challenges. Tap to choose the true number. Enjoy!
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Snail Bob 7: Fantasy Story
Snail Bob 7: Fantasy Story is one of the Brain Games that you can play on for free. In Snail Bob 7: Fantasy Story, Bob’s been abducted by a magical beam. He’s been left alone to fight with a dragon in a fantasy land! Reading a good bedtime story is fun, but in this seventh game of the Snail Bob series, everyone's favorite snail has been transported to a fantasy story as real as his sturdy shell. It looks like Snail Bob needs your assistance once again. Can you help him fulfill the role of a fearless warrior and beat the dragon that has been terrorizing the magical realm, or will it be too late for Bob to realize that this is not just a strange dream?
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Snail Bob 8: Island Story
Snail Bob 8: Island Story is one of the Brain Games that you can play on for free. In Snail Bob 8, Bob has stranded on a faraway island! He needs your help to get back! Solve all puzzles, watch out for all dangers and get Bob to the exit safely.
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Doctor Games are games that allowing users to play games with doctor games for kids, doctor who games, baby doctor games, crazy doctor games, doctor games with real surgery and pet doctor games for free. Doctors are affectionately called angels in white, bearing the responsibility of life-saving. Now, you have a chance to experience a doctor's life in Doctor Games. You can challenge the intense of performing gut-wrenching surgery for the dying man as an emergency physician. You can be an orthopaedist to help the people who have defects on their faces or who want to become more beautiful. You need to help the patient pull off the decayed teeth as a dentist. You should prescribe drugs for the people who are ill. The injection needs you to do it quickly, accurately and gently. You can learn about priceless medical knowledge from Doctor Games. Enjoy operating and rescuing the dying man on the webpage with a mouse and keyboards with super game experiences right now!
Doctor Games allow you to play as a doctor and take care of the patients, including doctor games for kids, doctor games for free, baby doctor games, doctor games with real surgery, animal doctor games, doctor games for girls, pet doctor games. Doctors are always regarded as great and sacred. To become a professional doctor, you need to command all the medical knowledge accurately, which is hard and takes a quite long time. In Doctor Games, you can play the role of a doctor, experiencing the feelings as a doctor and learn some basic knowledge without spending a difficult and long time. Follow the instructions on the computer screen strictly and do them with no mistake, or your patients will be in danger. Help your patients with their toothache, stomachache and even save their lives in the operating theatres. Play as a veterinarian if you like animals. Take good care of those animals and make them healthy again. You will feel pleased when they feel good again. Enjoy the Doctor Games on the webpage with a mouse and keyboards with super game experiences right now! can satisfy your needs and provide these free online flash games. Most of them are 3D games, but still, there are some 2D games. All of them are online for free, you do not need to download and install them. You can directly click the Doctor Games you like and experience the feeling of amusement right now. Some of them are unblocked, and you can play them at school. We upload our games frequently, so check our website regularly and find out new Doctor Games! Do not forget to share these games with your friends! Enjoy wonderful games at!
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