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Unlocking Furina's Full Potential: A Guide to Her Constellation Levels in Genshin Impact

Discover the unique gameplay advantages of each of Furina's constellation levels in Genshin Impact, from increased damage and elemental resistance debuffs to improved energy regeneration and defensive capabilities.


Exploring Furina's Constellation Levels in Genshin Impact: A Detailed Breakdown

Furina, a character in Genshin Impact, has six constellation levels, each offering unique gameplay advantages. Here's a detailed look at what each level unlocks:

  • C1: Rising Tide: Enhances her Elemental Skill, increasing its damage and adding an additional effect that can debuff enemies, reducing their resistance to a certain element.
  • C2: Flowing Undercurrent: Enhances her Elemental Burst. When activated, it not only deals increased damage but also regenerates a portion of her energy, allowing for quicker re-use of her abilities.
  • C3: Whirlpool's Center: Increases the level of her Elemental Skill, adding more damage and efficiency to the skill without the need for additional talent books or resources.
  • C4: Calming Waves: This constellation adds a defensive aspect to her kit. When her Elemental Skill hits enemies, it grants a shield to the team, scaling with Furina's max HP, enhancing the team's survivability.
  • C5: Ocean's Roar: Increases the level of her Elemental Burst, further boosting its damage output and utility, making her an even more formidable force in combat.
  • C6: Abyssal Depths: The pinnacle of her constellation, this level dramatically transforms her playstyle. It adds an additional charge to her Elemental Skill, allowing for more frequent use and enabling more complex and powerful combo potential with other characters.

Each constellation level of Furina significantly enhances her abilities, making her a more versatile and powerful character in Genshin Impact's ever-evolving gameplay landscape.


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